Ben Rubin is a Pro Tour old timer who started when he was 15 yrs old. He has 4 Pro Tour top 8s, about 8 Grand Prix top 8s, and has won 2 masters. Hes a member of the Hall of Fame and got there by winning and losing a lot of matches.
Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Ben Rubin when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:
Mirrodin Block
Traverse the Ulvenwald
Network with really smart people.
Really wanted to break the format and wouldn't listen to others input.
In High School, Ben was very strong relative to the field.
William Jensen
Jon Finkel
Patrick Chapin
Playing in a Masters competition. Normally Ben left basic mana up to play around wasteland. Ben drew a Pyroblast and couldn't play it because of his hobbit.
Very proud of team at Grand Prix Louisville. Accomplishing something great with a team is great.
Doesn't have one but enjoys toning decks.
Play a lot of Magic.
Ben has an affinity for competition.
Not having a long view. People get so hurry up on this game instead of understanding the overall picture.
Building pools leading up to a team sealed event and really discussing choices.
Getting into the new method of preparation.
Reviewing deck lists
Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.
Listen to Episode 1 here or on