
MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros

MTG Pro Tutor is a top rated Magic: The Gathering podcast and here's why: professional Magic players and community notables share their origin stories twice a week (Tue & Fri) and impart actionable tips you can use the next time you sit down to play. Learn from the wealth of experience they've built through hours of practice and playing against hundreds of opponents and start seeing improvements in your own skill right away. Don't you hate feeling like you play and play and don’t improve? Surrounding yourself with better players is the best way to level up and the MTG Pro Tutor podcast is your way of doing that. Subscribe if you want to take your Magic: The Gathering skills to the next level while hearing cool stories and getting actionable advice from the biggest names in the Multiverse.
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Now displaying: February, 2017
Feb 28, 2017

Roope Metsa has been playing Magic since Khans of Tarkir and just qualified for his first Pro Tour by making top 8 at Grand Prix Prague 2017. Roope lives in Vantaa, Finland.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Roope Metsa when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set

Khans of Tarkir

Favorite Set

Shards of Alara

Favorite Card


What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

Magic games are hard.Roope likes making decisions.

Worst Magic Moment

At an RPTQ Roope lost in the top 8. Roope learned how to manage loss better.

Proudest Magic Moment

Top 8 at Grand Prix Prague.

Preparation for Success

Roope missed the pre-release but he drafted as much as he could. He wants to the GP with 15-20 drafts under the belt.

What Have You Learned From Magic

Competitive gaming has taught Roope the importance of receiving your actions.

Best Format


Preferred Deck


Post Game Evaluation

Ask your opponent " why do you think you won that game?"

Tournament Day Tips

Drink a lot of water, walk outside between rounds.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

People get drawn in by fancy tricks and don't focus on fundamentals.

Parting Guidance

The best way to improve is to play against better players.

Magic Resource

MTG Top 8, CFB, MTG Reddit

Connect With Roope Metsa


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 24, 2017

Marcio Carvalho has an impressive record of 13 Grand Prix Top 8s including 3 wins, 3 Pro Tour Top 8s, and was a finalist at the 2016 Worlds tournament.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Marcio Carvalho when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card


Early Challenge

Choosing a deck.

Breakthrough Moment

First time competing at Worlds in 2005.

Worst Magic Moment

Getting banned for 6 months for looking at others cards in a draft.
Marcio learned to not try to be the coolest kid in the room.

Proudest Magic Moment

Making Platinum and being a finalist Worlds Moment in 2016.

What Have You Learned From Magic

Slow down and understand it's okay to be wrong.

Best Format


Advice From Pro

Magic is a game of variance. Prepare it.

Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself

Marcio learned he can work hard when he wants to.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Forcing a pick order in a draft. Drafts are fluid and you shouldn't put blenders.



Daily Habits

Not getting burned out by playing too much.

Tournament Day Tips

Eat well and drink water.

Parting Guidance

Don't force things. Play what you know.

Magic Resource


Connect With Marcio Carvalho


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 21, 2017

Florian Koch has been playing Magic since 1994 and played semi-competitively until he got his first Pro Point in 2010. He then won GP Lyon later that year. Since 2010 he’s made the Top 8 of three GPs and is striving for success on the Pro Tour. Florian is from Cologne, Germany.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Florian Koch when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set

The Dark (Just before)

Favorite Set

Florian doesn't have a favorite set.

Favorite Card

Lightning bolt

What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

At first, it was the interactions between cards. Then it was the competitive scene.

Level Up Moment

Florian watched a friend play who explained that recognizing what matters in a game is the key to winning.

Worst Magic Moment

Florian 9-0 day one of a Grand Prix but flowed out on day two. He learned to prepare for the whole event.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning GP Lyon.

Best Format


What Have You Learned from Magic

Make your own decisions and decide what matters. You don't have to use the same yardstick as everyone else to measure yourself.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Not enjoying yourself. You spend all day at an event, don't make it awful for you or your opponent.

How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event

Florian played with the best players he could find and talked with the best players at the event.


Florian is working on being a better control player.

What's in Your Tournament Bag

Deck, Clothes, Hygiene products

Advice From Pro

Florian saw Dirk B. sort cards into tiers for the first time and that help him see Magic differently.

Advice For Aether Revolt Limited

The Improvise mechanic is overvalued at the moment. Aggressive strategies are working. Combat tricks in this format are decent.

Improvement Suggestions

When you go to a Magic tournament, make it fun for you and others. Care for your community.

Magic Resource

CFB, MTG Goldfish

Connect With Florian Koch


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on




Patreon milestone 2

Feb 17, 2017

Eric English has cashed many Grand Prix and has 1 Grand Prix top 8 and a Pro Tour top 32, both in 2016. He’s a Silver Level Pro looking to continue the success he had last year. Eric is from Rochester, New York.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Eric English when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Engineered Explosives

Early Challenge

Eric's deck selection skills were sub par. By consuming content Eric was able to get a better feel for the metagame.

Breakthrough Moment

SCG Open in 2014, Eric played a Rabble Red deck and took 2nd.

Worst Magic Moment

At a local invite is the only tournament Eric lost his chance to make top 8 and he tilted really bad. He made a fool of himself. Now he thinks of the game in terms of resource management. Eric views his emotions and mental energy as a resource.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning an SCG Open while visiting a friend in Washington.

What have You Learned from Magic

The practice of thinking through multiple scenarios.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Misunderstanding the flow of the game. Combat this by thinking on your opponent's turn and shortening your gameplay actions.


Eric loses focus when he's winning.

Improvement Suggestions

Have fun. Play the game. Magic has many forms.

Connect With Eric English

Eric can be found in the MTG Pro Tutor Facebook group.

Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 14, 2017

John Asbach is 25 years old and an active duty military member. He graduated from the United States Military Academy (Westpoint) Class of 2013 and is originally from Buffalo, NY. He loves theater, coffee, and hockey and is the Champion of Grand Prix San Jose 2017.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from John Asbach when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set

9th / 10th

Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Dark Intimations

What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

It's different everytime you play.

Early Challenge

Constructed. Choosing the right deck. Getting advice from knowledgeable players helps John share this up.

Breakthrough Moment

Grand Prix San Jose validated John's effort.

Worst Magic Moment

GP Portland. John went to time against a grindy Bant company deck. He ended up playing the draw bracket and doing poorly.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning Grand Prix San Jose 2017.

How to Get from Day 2 to Top 8

Focus on the things you can control. Play, card evaluation (Limited), deck building.
Ask yourself " how does my deck win?"

What Have You Learned from Magic

Thinking ahead and solving problems.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Not giving enough attention to your mana base in Limited.

How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event

For a new set, go to the Pre-Release and draft as much as possible before the Grand Prix.

Tournament Day Tips

Water, granola bars, the days are long. Take it one match at a time.

Improvement Suggestions

Be your mentality flexible. Find what works for you and talk to others.

Connect With John Asbach

John can be found in the MTG Pro Tutor Facebook group.

Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 10, 2017

Adam Ragsdale is a former MTGO grinder and content producer turned current occasional traveler. He has 2 Grand Prix Top 8s, both in the last calendar year. Adam lives in Toronto.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Adam Ragsdale when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card


What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

Adam loves solving the puzzle using all the pieces of Magic.

Early Challenge

Time management. Playing too fast and too slow at different times.

Breakthrough Moment

First PPTQ win in 2006. Know the meta. Check the 5-0 lists from Magic Online and ask questions.

Worst Magic Moment

ProTour-Charleston circa 2006. Lost 4 times, got a bye and dropped.
You can't let one tournament make you feel like you're not good enough.

Proudest Magic Moment

GP Pittsburgh top 8.
If there is a "best" thing to be doing, do that thing. Play that deck.

Best Format


Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself

Adam tends to operate on instinct so he needs to prepare a lot.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Not playing the best deck. Not understanding the match up on a conceptual level.

What Have You Learned from Magic

Everything has a range of outcomes. Prepare as best as you can to guide to the most positive outcome.

Tournament Day Tips

Get a good amount of sleep and eat well. Book flights to get arrive at a decent time.

Improvement Suggestions

When you're playing in a tournament, focus on your decisions and what you can control.

Connect With Adam Ragsdale


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 7, 2017

Rodrigo Togores has several good finishes at many Magic events, but most notably is the Champion of Grand Prix Prague 2016.


Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Rodrigo Togores when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set

Mercadian Masques

Favorite Set

Urza's Saga

Favorite Card

Tendrils of Agony

Early Challenge

Combat Math.

Breakthrough Moment

2015, Rodrigo won a Vintage tournament in Italy.

What have You Learned from Magic

Planning ahead and being prepared. By traveling a lot Rodrigo has gained skills that are useful all the time.

Worst Magic Moment

Rodrigo traveled to the U.S. to play in an SCG event. He lost his win-and-in to Jim Davis because he miscounted by one. Rodrigo learned to think twice when he plays. It's a skill worth having for any match up.

Proudest Magic Moment

Win GP Prague.

Advice for Beginner Legacy

Not every deck is super expensive. Legacy cards maintain their value so you can sell a deck and buy into another one fairly easily.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Players give away free information. Always think if it matters to play this card now or later. If you can, play it later.

Tournament Tips

Drink a lot of water, go to the restroom between every round.

Improvement Suggestions

Don't pile shuffle!

Connect With Rodrigo Togores


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2

Feb 3, 2017

Matt Tabak is a senior editor inside Magic R&D. He is a former level 3 judge, competed at the Pro Tour four times, and holds the record for longest tenured Magic rules manager. He’s the lead editor for Magic Duels and the upcoming Magic sets Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation. Matt lives in Seattle, WA.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Matt Tabak when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Hidden Path
Prodigal Sorcerer

What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

Traveling and meeting the players.

Most Notable Ruling You've Ever Made

Judging a Pro Tour Qualifier. Matt disqualified a player for having a 59 card deck. Matt realized that player experience is very important.

Best Experience Working on Magic

Traveling to PAX 2016. Revealing Kaladesh to the world was awesome.

If You Could Change One Thing About the Rules What Would it be

Make all Instants, Sorceries

Las Vegas Magic Story

A friend got arrested for using a hot tub that wasn't theirs.

What have You Learned from Magic

Matt has learned about collaboration.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Failures to learn from mistakes. Don't blame luck. Take ownership and learn from mistakes.

Improvement Suggestions

You get out of it what you put into it. Life is ultimately about the connections you make with other people.

Connect With Matt Tabak


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Patreon milestone 2